
Communication they say is key. Without proper communication perspectives are misread and opinions wrongly expressed. But how many do understand/remember that with expressing opinions comes a second angle to communication/dialogue – listening. And I’m not talking about hearing the sound of the person’s voice as it resonates in your ears. I’m talking about taking in the words and reviewing them in your head objectively before deciding whether to dismiss them politely or consider their merit towards eventual application.

Dialogue is generally defined as a conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or film; a discussion between two or more people or groups, especially one directed towards exploration of a particular subject or resolution of a problem. Synonyms include discussion, exchange, discourse, exchange of views, head-to-head, tête-à-tête, consultation, conference, parley, question and answer session; etc; all of which surround a two (not one) way discuss, involving talking and listening.

Communication is defined as the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium. Synonyms include transmission, imparting, conveying, passing on, relay, conveyance, interchange, correspondence, dialogue, talk, conversation, discussion, speaking, talking, chatting, etc.; also two way.

So I believe we can safely say that a conversation/dialogue cannot be just about talking endlessly, expressing one’s feelings or thoughts without stopping to listening. It’s also about taking time out to listen to the other person’s views and considering (objectively) the depth of the points and worth/value of same and also, where reasonable, application. In the end, what your partner (or the person on the other side of the conversation) is saying may just be the truth of the situation; so don’t be quick to dismiss simply because it does not make sense to you. Stubbornness or egotism or being caught up in one’s world of right has overtime robbed people of the value which surrounds the beauty of communication; one of the bedrocks of a successful marriage and relationship.

In the end, if you don’t take time to listen (not just talking all the way), all you’ve had through the conversation is a monologue of how wrong you think the other person’s points are and how awesome yours are. After all, they say the good Lord gave us two ears and one mouth, that we may listen more and speak less. So the next time you get so wrapped up in being right and the exalted solo voice in that conversation, remember that proper dialogue/communication is a two way road; remember to listen :).



  1. tolulope fat says:

    I find this very enlightening! I always used to complain that he never listened to me! But I guess its a 2 way thing! We should all learn to listen more n speak less!

  2. […] The Double Edged Sword Called ‘Dialogue’ ( […]

  3. YRB says:

    Very well said! Thank you.

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